What is a Sex Crime?
Sex crimes refer to a wide range of illegal sexual conduct. Someone can accuse you of a sex crime without any evidence to support their story. The consequences of false accusations can be far-reaching including jobs and futures hanging in the balance. The good news is that we have years of experience handling sex crime cases. We’ve fought to get numerous sex crime charges dropped in Irvine, and we can do the same for you.
Don’t attempt to fight your case alone if you face false allegations. Our experienced sex crime attorneys can guide you through the legal process. We’ll immediately begin investigating the accusations against you and look for problems with your accuser’s credibility. Call Wallin & Klarich today toll-free at (949) 776-3424 for your free consultation with our Irvine sex crime attorneys.
Potential Sex Crime Charges in Irvine
A sex crime can be a misdemeanor or felony depending on the specific sex crime the prosecution files. For over 40 years, Wallin & Klarich has specialized in sex crime defense law in Irvine. Some of the crimes our clients have faced include but are not limited to:
- Indecent exposure
- Sexual assault
- Sexual battery
- Soliciting a prostitute
- Prostitution
- Statutory rape
- Rape
- Solicitation of a minor
- Lewd acts with a minor
- Child sexual abuse
- Child pornography
- Failure to register as a sex offender
Sex Crime Sentencing | Harsh Consequences
The Irvine prosecutor decides which charges to file according to your prior convictions and the circumstances of your case. However, in most cases, especially those involving minors or violence, the state pursues felony charges. Below, you’ll find a summary of sex crime penalties in Irvine.
- Jail
- For example, a conviction for soliciting a prostitute carries a six-month jail sentence. On the other hand, you face up to 364 days in jail for a misdemeanor child molestation conviction.
- Fines
- Soliciting a prostitute can result in a $1000 fine, but you may have to pay $5000 for a misdemeanor child molestation conviction.
- Probation
- Sex offender registration
- Prison
- If you’re convicted of rape, you may have to spend 3 to 8 years in prison, and if the alleged victim sustained severe injuries, your sentence increases by another 3 to 5 years.
- Fines
- While the standard fine for rape is a maximum of $5,000, the judge may order higher fines for aggravating factors, such as using a deadly weapon or inflicting severe injury on the victim.
- Sex offender registration
- Disclosure of felony sex crime conviction on job applications
- Loss of your right to firearms
- Strike – Under California’s Three Strikes Law and possibly under the One Strike Law
Professional and Personal Consequences:
Sex crime allegations jeopardize everything you hold dear. In addition to potential jail time and fines, your professional and personal life could also be at risk. Family members and friends may find it difficult to trust you. Potential employers may reject your applications without hearing your side of the story. While the situation you’ve found yourself in may come as a shock, we’ve represented thousands of clients stuck in similar situations as yours. We understand the importance of fighting your case to prove your innocence in court and take back your reputation.
We’ve represented people from all walks of life, from teachers and business owners to construction workers. These clients shared one thing in common; they never dreamed they’d face sex crime charges. They turned to us confused, hurt, and completely lost. However, we were able to help them navigate the legal process, and we fought to help them restore their credibility.
Allegations of this nature forever change your perspective. However, a conviction steals future opportunities and your good name. Don’t fight your case alone. Consult with our skilled sex crime attorneys with over 40 years of experience and a track record of success. For over 40 years, we’ve defended clients accused of sex crimes in Irvine, which gives us unique insight into your struggle. Contact us today at (949) 776-3424 for your free consultation!
Defeat False Accusations | Effective Sex Crime Defenses
Solid legal representation gives you the best chance of defeating sex crime charges. Our attorneys will implement a multifaceted legal strategy to help you fight aggressive prosecution. First, we’ll listen to your side of the story and examine your case to clarify every detail. Then, we will construct our defense around the facts, giving us a significant advantage in court. This approach adds to the credibility of your story and calls the state’s case into question.
With 40+ years of experience, we’ve had complex sex crime cases reduced and even dropped. Many of our clients have avoided decades in prison and walked away with their freedom intact. Our defense team has pinpointed many effective sex crime defenses in Irvine, including but not limited to:
False Accusation:
While people believe that truth and justice always prevail, many people abuse the legal system and make false accusations. This can quickly spiral into wrongful convictions without expert legal guidance. Once accused, it’s tough to prove your innocence in a sex crime case, even if you are innocent.
Luckily, our Irvine attorneys have exceptional experience and skill in defending clients accused of sex crimes. We begin every case by examining the accuser’s credibility, so we can better understand the motivation behind their false claims. We then build our case based on the weaknesses we find in their story. Under the pressure of skilled cross-examination, true intentions come to light.
If you’re falsely accused, arm yourself with the skilled legal representation you need to defeat sex crime charges. Contact Wallin & Klarich today for your free consultation!
Consensual Sex:
You may have genuinely believed the sex was consensual. However, after an argument or the accuser experiencing regret, you now face rape charges. Our attorneys can raise the consensual sex argument in rape cases where our client reasonably believes that the victim consented. This strategy requires skilled presentation and thorough cross-examination. Your Wallin & Klarich attorney has years of experience and specializes in sex crime cases. You can rest easy knowing we have the necessary skills to argue the consent defense.
Note: Please remember California law does not allow defendants to use consent as a defense in statutory rape cases since minors under 18 aren’t able to consent to any sexual act. Telling the investigators, prosecutor, or court that the victim consented will only make matters worse.
Insufficient Evidence:
The prosecution must prove that you committed a sex crime beyond a reasonable doubt, which means anyone would consider you guilty after examining all evidence. However, sometimes charges are filed without enough supporting evidence. When this happens, we first attempt to persuade the prosecutor to drop charges, and if that fails, we prepare to argue for dismissal in court.
Sometimes undercover investigators cross the line when they conduct sex crime sting operations. They may pressure you into committing a crime, such as child pornography. Their lies could lead you to commit a crime you would have never committed otherwise. If it was the officer’s idea or they pressured you into the crime, your case may warrant the entrapment defense.
Our attorneys have experience convincing the court that the undercover officer violated our clients’ rights in undercover operations, resulting in dismissed sex crime charges. If this has happened to you, contact us immediately!
Choosing A Top Defense Attorney | We’ll Fight For You
With so many defense lawyers competing for your attention, it’s easy to get overwhelmed or choose the wrong one. When you choose a sex crime attorney, you need to evaluate what they can do for you. Do they have experience and a solid track record? Are your best interests their priority? Don’t just take their word for it. Consider how they make you feel as well. Wallin & Klarich has years of experience fighting legal battles and working with clients. It’s easy for us to articulate what we bring to the table that separates us from other defense firms. We are known for the following characteristics:
- Trusted Legal Advocates
- Exceptional Negotiators
- 40+ Years of Practice
- Specialized Legal Expertise
Trusted Legal Advocates | The Wallin & Klarich Difference
You need to be able to trust your sex crime attorney. It’s bad enough you have to worry about the prosecution without having to wonder about your defense team. With Wallin & Klarich, you never have to question our loyalty. You’ll always receive one-on-one attention and genuine care when you visit our office. We are here for you when you need us, and we’re always prepared to fight for your best interests.
Exceptional Negotiators | 40+ Years of Success
You need a sex crime lawyer who understands the best way to negotiate inside and outside of court. We’ve honed our negotiation skills during our 40+ years of practice, and we continue to strive for excellence. Find out how our expert negotiators can help you defeat false sex crime accusations in Irvine, CA. Contact us today toll-free at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (949) 776-3424 for a free consultation with a local sex crimes attorney that you can trust!
We’re here to help you!