Child Molestation Defense Attorney | Orange County
What Is Child Molestation?
Child molestation crimes are prosecuted very aggressively in the state of California. A child molestation conviction can result in a state prison sentence, significant fines, and registration as a sex offender. The stigma of a child molestation conviction can negatively impact your personal, professional, and public life. Therefore, if you are accused of child molestation, it is important to retain a Wallin & Klarich attorney who will fight for you.
There are many different types of child molestation crimes, and they all carry serious penalties. Child molestation crimes include:
- Penal Code Section 288(a)– Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child Under the Age of 14
- Penal Code Section 288(b) – Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Minor by Force or Fear
- Penal Code Section 288(c) – Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child Age 14 or 15
- Penal Code Section 647.6 – Annoying or Molesting a Child
- Penal Code Section 288a – Oral Copulation with a Minor
- Penal Code Section 288.4 – Soliciting a Minor for Lewd Purposes
- Penal Code Section 288.5 – Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child
- Penal Code Section 288.7 – Sex with a Child Under the Age of 10
- Penal Code Section 290 – Sex Offender Registration
Child Molestation Penalties | What You’re Facing
If you’re facing a child molestation charge, you are under threat of suffering serious consequences. Aside from the social/personal ramifications of being accused of molesting a child, there are serious penalties that the state can impose on you if found guilty.
These penalties include:
- 365 days in jail
- Up to 6 years in prison
- Fines up to $5,000
- May be required to register as a sex offender (pc 290)
Hire The Best Child Molestation Defense Attorney | How We Can Help You
When dealing with such serious allegations, it is crucial to hire the best attorney you can find. At Wallin & Klarich criminal defense firm, we believe that there are four (4) key aspects that you, the client, should look for when hiring an attorney.
- Experience
- Communication
- Track record
- Ethos – Credibility
Wallin & Klarich | 40+ Years of Experience Defending Child Molestation Charges
Here at Wallin & Klarich, our team of highly-trained attorney’s have over 40+ years of experience representing clients accused of child molestation. This experience does not only mean that we are competent in the nuances of the case, but equally important, we know our way around the local courthouses and we know the local prosecutors. Not only do we know what we bring to the table, we also know what the other side will be bringing to the table. This sometimes overlooked, and often underappreciated knowledge makes it easier to craft a defense that gives you the highest chance of success possible
24/7 Communication With Your Attorney | The Wallin & Klarich Way
Cases are won in the courtroom, but made in the office. At Wallin & Klarich, we believe that communication and transparency are a vital key to a successful case. With all the paperwork and legal jargon, we have found that it is common for clients to get lost in the legal process and only have a vague idea of what is going on in their case. We believe this is outright wrong. By keeping an open line of communication with our clients and walking side-by-side through all the steps of the case, we have found that our clients are not only happier, but receive a better outcome when communication is kept at the forefront of our efforts.
Give us a call at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245 and let’s begin communicating on how we can get the best outcome for your case.
Track Record of Success | Wallin & Klarich History of Winning Cases
Words mean nothing if the outcome of our cases are subpar. We are confident enough in our abilities to deliver the best possible outcome of our case that we invite you to read about some of our previous big wins in the courtroom!
Reputation & Ethos | Wallin & Klarich A Reputation You Want on Your Side
With an abundance of attorneys practicing in every area throughout California, it is often difficult to parse the noteworthy ones from the average. Luckily, you don’t have to. Throughout our years of representing Child Molestation and other high-stakes crimes, the attorneys at Wallin Klarich have made appearances all throughout television, newspapers, and websites. Just how good are we? Check out our recent appearances!