September 11, 2013 By agwklaw

I was on my way home from the desert at dusk on a two lane highway when a car approached from the other direction. The other car was swerving onto my side of the road and then straightened out. As the car got very close to me it swerved onto my side of the road again. At the last moment, I turned off onto the shoulder, and my jeep spun out. The accident caused the hood of the jeep to fold, the windshield was broken, the roof was partially collapsed, and there was major front-end damage. The jeep was totaled.

Other motorists called the police. When the CHP arrived I admitted that I had been drinking. At the hospital, I was treated and tested for my blood alcohol content. I later found out that I had alcohol content of 0.14. The CHP officer arrived at the hospital and took my driver’s license. He handed me a pink sheet of paper and told me that my license would be suspended.

I hired the law offices of Wallin & Klarich. My attorney obtained all the records and DMV documents pertaining to my case. After a review of the evidence, my attorney set up an in person hearing at the DMV. It turned out that even though my blood alcohol level exceeded the limit, the blood test was done more than three hours after the time of driving in violation of the administrative regulations governing blood test procedures. Shortly thereafter, I received notice that my driver’s licenses had been reinstated. Thank you Wallin & Klarich for your help in this matter. Thank you Wallin & Klarich for being there when I needed you.


Paul Wallin

AUTHOR: agwklaw

Paul Wallin is the senior managing partner at Wallin & Klarich. With over thirty years of experience handling many types of criminal defense cases, Paul Wallin has a tremendous amount of knowledge when advocating for his client's rights. Paul Wallin prides himself in going the extra mile to put his clients at ease especially when they are facing allegations of criminal misconduct and are stressing over it. Many have trusted Paul Wallin and his team at Wallin & Klarich to assist them in their darkest hour.

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